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2. Sponsor the Holiday Reception

  • 18 Dec 2014
  • 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Brocach's Irish Pub


Registration is closed

Sponsor the Holiday Reception!

 Current Sponsor - Thank you!

Sponsor levels include:

Hors d’oeuvres-$1000, co-sponsor-$500

Drink tickets $500, co-sponsor-$250

General-$100 and up, all sponsorships greatly appreciated!

Your company logo will be placed on our website and all event signage and correspondence. 

©Association of Wisconsin Lobbyists - 10 E Doty Street, Suite 523 - Madison, WI 53703 - 
p. (608)442-7295 - f. (608)441-1435 - e.

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