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Why Join?

“Being a member of AWL is a must if you are in the Wisconsin lobbying profession.  AWL has personally helped me expand my network, assisted me with access to Legislative and Administrative leaders through its events, while advocating on behalf of the profession before GAB and the Legislature.”

Ken Walsh, Martin Schreiber & Associates

"By joining AWL, you are opening up the doors to unique networking opportunities, not only with your colleagues in the lobbying world but with elected and appointed public officials who AWL invites on a regular basis to make presentations and mingle with the lobby corps.”

Mara Brooks, Wisconsin Dental Association


Registered Principal - $900

Register up to 5 Members from a single organization, savings of $475!

Corporations, Associations, Organizations with in-house lobbying counsel only. A Registered Principal can only register in-house lobbyists under this category. Can designate up to 5 representatives who will have voting rights. Additional memberships beyond the 5 are $100 each and not eligible to vote.

Firm - $800

Register up to 4 Members from the same Organization, savings of $300!
Government Relations and Law Firms who employ individuals licensed by the State of Wisconsin to engage in legislative, agency, or other governmental advocacy, but the firm is not a registered lobbying organization. Can designate up to 4 representatives, all of whom must be licensed as a lobbyists by the Ethics Commission. Those 4 representatives will have voting rights. Additional licensed lobbyists beyond the 4 are $100 each and are not eligible to vote.

Individual - $275

An individual is any person licensed by the State of Wisconsin to engage in legislative, agency. or other governmental advocacy. Each individual member is entitled to one vote. 

Associate - $125

Individual employees of a public relations firm, marketing firm, law firm, accounting firm, WI Ethics Commission registered conduit administrators, PAC Treasurers and past Presidents of the Association who are no longer active in the government relations industry. Associate members do not have voting rights.

©Association of Wisconsin Lobbyists - 10 E Doty Street, Suite 523 - Madison, WI 53703 - 
p. (608)442-7295 - f. (608)441-1435 - e.

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