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2013-2014 AWL Membership Notice

  • 20 Dec 2012
  • 12:00 AM
  • 31 Jan 2013
  • 11:59 PM
  • AWL Membership Notice
2013-2014 AWL Membership Information

  • Registered Principle
  • Cost: $750 to register up to 5 members.
  • Cost savings of $500!
  • This includes Corporations/Associations/Organizations with in-house lobbying counsel only. Registered Principles can only register up to 5 in-house lobbyists under this category. If additional memberships are needed for in-house lobbyists only, the cost is $100 per membership, with the additional members not eligible to vote.
  • Firm
  • Cost: $650 to register up to 4 members.
  • Cost savings of $350!
  • This includes Government Relations/Law Firms who employ individuals licensed to engage in legislative, agency, or other governmental advocacy, but the firm is not a registered lobbying organization. Firms can designate up to 4 representatives, all of whom must be licensed to lobby. If additional membership are needed for additional representatives, the cost is $100 per membership, with the additional representatives not eligible to vote. 
  • Individual
  • Cost: $250
  • Individuals are any person licensed in the State of Wisconsin to engage in legislative, agency, or other governmental advocacy. 
  • Associate
  • Cost: $125
  • Associate members are individuals employed by an organization doing business in Wisconsin who provides services or benefits to regular members and who otherwise subscribes to the purposes of the Association. Associate members do not have voting rights.

©Association of Wisconsin Lobbyists - 10 E Doty Street, Suite 523 - Madison, WI 53703 - 
p. (608)442-7295 - f. (608)441-1435 - e.

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